This month marks the anniversary of my first full year as a solopreneur. It sucks. I have literally never had a job more difficult, more life-altering and more stressful in my entire life. Money I’d wager money is the biggest reason why people strike it out on their own. I remember when I started freelancing and did the math – $50+ an hour to sit at home in my pyjamas and write about personal finance? Sign me up! – the money became addictive and finally, by last summer I couldn’t resist. I quit my job and went all in on writing full-time. My “magic number” is $3,000. $3,000 a month is enough money for me to live on, save for the occasional vacation and max out my TFSA. I’ve heard of other solopreneurs who make five figures a month from their blogs but I can’t (and don’t) compare myself to them. In July and August last year I earned $7,000 a month but felt as though I had wasted the whole summer. Everyone has different goals and priorities in life and I don’t think I want to make the sacrifices necessary to have a five-figure income from blogging. Luckily, I have […]