Inspired by Jordann‘s posts on which house to buy, I’ve decided to do my own for my tiny little town! A bit of backstory — the town is built at the bottom of a canyon, making it long and narrow. The river that runs through town causes floods every few years and the median age of the town is over 40 (although honestly, that number feels low). Because of the town’s unique geography and history, there are on of five major issues with just about every house in town: A second floor that you can’t stand upright in 1.5 storey houses are EVERYWHERE. It’s super discouraging to visit a house and then SURPRISE here’s the second floor made for ants! Or, the best was the house whose second floor railing was about three feet high. That’s not regulation! A basement that you can’t stand upright in For reasons that I’ll explain below, having a basement in this town is a luxury — similar houses will sell for $75-100 thousand dollars more with a basement. The basement thing is SUCH a selling point that it makes the freakin’ title of every ad for a house with a basement. What constitutes a basement? I have no idea because […]